Tuesday, November 5, 2013

what are your pimples trying to tell you?

I first heard about 'face mapping' a year ago from a friend. I was intrigued and started paying attention to my breakouts and found it to be surprisingly accurate. During my teenage years and early 20s I spent so much time and money on products trying to 'fight breakouts' I ignored what my body was trying to tell me. The idea of 'face mapping' comes from a strong correlation between your internal organs, other things happening in your body and different zones of your face. By analyzing your breakouts, you can see what is happening inside your body and take care of parts of your body that you might be neglecting.
Face Mapping
(photo from glamour.com)

Zone 1 & 3  - Above your brow (Bladder & Digestive System)- Take care of yourself! This area represents your immune system. Improve your diet and drink more water. You can sometimes breakout in this area before, during or after a cold. 

Zone 2 - Between Brows (Liver) - Breakouts in this area are caused by overindulgence. Cut back on bad foods, alcohol and dairy. It can also mean a food allergy. 

Zone 4 & 10 - Ears (Kidneys) - You're dehydrated, cut back on coffee and soda and drink more H2O.

Zone 5 & 9 - Cheeks (Respiratory System) - Your cheeks are being affected by your lung quality. Avoid smoke and polluted air. Smokers often have breakouts in this area.

Zone 7 - Nose (Heart) - Check your blood pressure and make sure you are using makeup that doesn't irritate your skin. 

Zone 12 - Chin (Stomach) - You might be having trouble with your digestive system. Add more fiber to your diet or try a detox. 

Zone 11 & 13 - Side of Chin (Hormones) - Breakouts can occur in this area during your period. The side of your breakout can indicate which side you are ovulating on. It can also be a sign of a hormonal imbalance. Drink more water and eat a lot of dark leafy greens. 

Zone 14 - Neck (Illness) - A pimple in this area can mean your body is trying to fight an illness. Drink more water of course and take your vitamins! 

Have you tried face mapping? Do you find it accurate? 

Moral of the story- drink more water, eat your veggies & take your vitamins! Live a balanced life :) 


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